NYDailyNews Dickinson 7-11-18

NYDailyNews Dickinson 7-11-18

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I endorse Mr. Candappa. We worked together on a very difficult civil rights case. As a result of his hard work we were able to obtain a very successful outcome for our clients.

- Adam Carlson, Personal Injury Attorney

The Oakland Institute is an independent policy think tank that focuses on increasing public participation and fair debate on critical food and agriculture, poverty and international development issues. Our successful campaigns in the U.S. and abroad, especially on the topic of international land deals, have resulted in threats of legal action. The thoroughness, timely response, and attentiveness to every detail by our legal counsel, Jivaka Candappa, allows us to continue with our mission without operating from a place of fear. In this struggle of David vs. Goliath, Jivaka Candappa's legal support is an invaluable asset to us!

- Anuradha Mittal, Executive Director
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3268 Governor Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 768-0080