Jivaka Candappa Named In Top Verdict Search Settlements by The Recorder


May 21, 2012


Jivaka Candappa is named in California’s 2011 Top Verdict Search Settlements by the leading legal magazine, The Recorder.  Mr. Candappa was recognized for winning a $1 million settlement on behalf of drug treatment center against the City of San Jose in a federal disability discrimination case.

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We want to thank you for your dedication and thoughtfulness in helping our daughter.

- T.H. and J.H.

Jivaka Candappa is one of the most dedicated, hard-working, and skilled attorneys that I know. I have had the pleasure of co-counseling cases with Jivaka for more than five years and have seen firsthand his abilities in the courtroom. He is a fierce advocate for his clients and has a level of compassion and dedication to his clients that is hard to find in an attorney. Jivaka is truly a lawyer for the people and has dedicated his career to fighting for human rights. He stands up for causes that he believes in and provides top legal representation to those who have traditionally lacked power in our legal system.

- Jenny Huang, Attorney
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3268 Governor Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 768-0080